Thursday 3 February 2011


And still kicking.

I've been very busy the last couple of months, so there was no time for blog posts!

Two weeks ago I uploaded two new animations that where made for our 3rd year group project at the HKU. They were made for the website of "het Klokhuis", a long running (since 1988) Dutch television program for kids.
The animations are basically short instruction video's for simple games that kids can play with random household items. It's based on the book "Spelletjes met Spulletjes" by Ferry Piekart and Lars Deltrap.

This was the most fun and exciting project I've had during my years at the HKU, because I used to watch Klokhuis a lot when I was young. There's even a chance that they'll air the animations on tv.
Plus each animation had to be a different style, to add to the chaos and playfulness of the games. They didn't hold us back in terms of creativity.

The intro and outro were made by Nicky van Kessel, and Rover Race was a collaboration between me and  Arthur Gorissen.

Rover Race

Bobbel Frommel

Check the other animations by my groupmates in the youtube playlist below, or by following this link.


  1. haha geinige filmpjes man. Ik wou dat ik zo'n groepsproject had... ik moet voor een of ander bezoekerscentrum van een fort allemaal concepten bedenken voor (interactieve) dingen die je daar kunt doen :/ echt fucking lame

  2. Aj das jammer man, als het echt zo klote is zou ik zsm proberen nog te switchen. Junaid heeft dat nog voor elkaar gekregen bij de vorige groepsprojecten.


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