Sunday, 20 May 2012


My last shot took me 6 days to animate, most shots are animated in one or two days (disregarding the time it takes setting up the set).
Right now I'm preparing the last 3 scenes of the movie (about 14 shots). These shots are some of the most important ones for my film.

 A still from my last shot:

So there's alot of pressure to get them right!
Besides preparing the shots I also have alot of post-production work to do. 95% of the shots are shot with a greenscreen, and not all shots key out that well. Sometimes I get holes in my robot, which I have to patch up.
Otherwise some shots may look like this:

Notice the small orange dots (click to see it better), sometimes there's alot, sometimes there's none. Kinda looks like acne.

Some behind the scenes pics:

 My animating table is a huge mess as you can see. Lot's of mouth/neck replacements in this shot.

This is him after finishing the shot, I don't think he's that exited about animation anymore than I am!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Sneak Peek

I'm still very very busy with animating, at the moment I have 4 scenes left, about 14 shots to animate.

I've had some camera troubles a few weeks ago, almost had to send my 60D for repairs, but luckily I found out that there was something wrong with my usb cables. Apparently when you use a usb extension cord it can frak up your camera connection on the newest imacs. The stupid part is that it cost me about a week to fix the problem, so hurray for wasting precious animation time!

Anyway, I have a small making of/teaser video for you guys. It's basically a timelapse of how I animated the robot's walkcycle, and the rough end result. It's the uncomposited version of the cycle since I really wanted to show off some animation, but I don't want to spoil anything of the film.

The cycle looks a bit jittery now, but it looks better when it actually moves forward :)